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Raw Food for Pets – Convenient?

By Nancy Milburn

People who know me, know that not only do I feed my own pets raw food but I encourage others to do so too.  There are a great benefits to raw food, long life, health, lack of dental problems, less behaviour problems the list goes on and on.   But the one thing that stops most people from switching is that it usually comes frozen.  This take up room in your freezer and takes time to thaw.  Also when dealing with raw meat you have to be careful to not cross contaminate with your own human food.

Recently  I have found a company that solves these problems by Freeze drying the raw product which you just reconstitute with water.    TruDog is the company a Right now they have on great Black Friday deals.   Please check them out here

Bark Friday Deals

if you are considering or already feeding raw food.

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