
Will your dog Survive   your family returning to school and work?

Will your dog survive the return to normal? We have had a couple of years of Covid 19 and there were lots and lots of pets acquired during that time. Now that things are starting to return to normal will your dog be able to cope with the new routine? This sudden increase in pet ownership raises concerns about pet welfare. Puppies acquired during lockdown have been missing out on

Alert! Deadly Fungal Infection in Dogs

Fungal Infection (Blastomycosis) in Dogs This terrible disease has killed one of my dogs, and over a hundred on Manitoulin Island over the last few years. Poor Popeye was only sick a couple of weeks before he died. Not long enough for the medication to start working. Symptoms can include coughing, lesions and skin irritations, it sometime lodges in the eyes and blindness can result. Although cross contamination between humans

Puppy Biting

    Puppies are lovely , that  sweet face and gamboling gait is enough to melt anyone’s heart.  But they can also be bad and frustrating and exhausting.  This is normal for any puppy, When thery are in a ltter, they canb take out their energy on each other, and sometimes their mom.  Doggy moms are good at disipline, they will let a puppy crawl  all over them but if

Why are dogs noses wet?

Why are dogs noses wet?    There seems to be no one reason why dogs’ noses are wet. It is a combination of a number of different factors :         A) Grooming Dogs are constantly licking their noses to clean themselves from all the trouble they’re sticking their nose into. And will lick dirt and sticky things off their nose                

I am so Grateful

Nancy at 8yrs.   Among the thing I am grateful in my life is that I was born with a great love of animals.  My heart would be emptier and life would be so much less without them.     Click on the picture below to see comfy pet beds.

What to expect when you adopt a Dog

Adopting a dog – what to expect The times we live in mean that more and more people are working from home,  or are in forced isolation due to the COVID-19 crisis.   Because there are more stay at home people, lots of them think that this is the time to get a dog.  The rescue shelters are becoming empty which is a good thing but I worry that a lot

Why I Feed my Dogs Raw Food

I have fed my dogs raw food for over thirty years.  How I came to do this started when my children were small. My eldest had HADD disorder (Hyperactivity Attention Deficit Disorder)  and he was an extremely difficult  child to handle.  Taking him to the doctor was no help, as the doctor put his disruptive behavior down to jealousy of this younger brother and lack of discipline on my part. 

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

  Is this a good or bad premise?     The training climate today is that you should be able to do anything to a dog without a bad reaction.  Well I do not agree.   There are definitely times to ‘Let Sleeping Dogs Lie’     So many people post pictures and videos of their children doing things to dogs that are very dangerous.  Children riding, hugging and kissing dogs are all potentially dangerous. 

Hidden dangers for your pets this Christmas.

Holiday times are full of joy and laughter, having get-togethers with friends and family. Don’t spoil your Christmas with an expensive trip to the veterinarian. Note: If your pet has consumed a dangerous item, or is acting abnormally, contact your veterinarian immediately. Here are some dangers that can ruin a holiday: Most people know that the bones from your chicken and turkey are not good for pets.  The cooked bones

First Time Every Time Come When Called

Coming when called is one of the most misunderstood ’command’ in the dog training world. First of all it should not be a command but and invite. Come over to me and good things are going to happen is how the dog should perceive the word come. Loose dogs learn early on that when they come close to you after being called they are going to be put on a
